Kasina Ansvananda is a violinist from Thailand who has studied violin since the age of 4. She was accepted to study with Prof. Akiko Ono at the Yehudi Menuhin School in 2018. She currently studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, with Prof. Dora Schwarzberg. She had masterclasses with renowned violinists including Koichiro Harada, Nam Yun Kim, Mihaela Martin, Boris Brovtsyn, Barnabas Kelemen, Kirill Troussov, Boris Belkin and Dimitry Sitkovetsky. As an active performer, she performs regularly in Thailand and abroad including the Beethovenfest 2018 in Bonn, Germany and worked with artists including Charles Owen, Hagai Shaham and Shlomo Mintz. She won prizes from many competitions including The 14th Arthur Grumiaux International Violin Competition, Tunbridge Wells International Music Competition 2021, Osaka International Music Competition and The Final Beethoven Music Competition in Thailand.