The organizing committee

The major institutions

The organization of the Competition is managed by a panel of institutions:


  • the Società del Quartetto, the association which established the Competition and owns the brand. It is entrusted with the artistic direction;
  • the Università del Piemonte Orientale, which has been fostering the Competition since 2013 and is now managing the entire organizational and communication matters;
  • the Comune di Vercelli, which has been a partner of the Competition since ever. It provides economic support and all the services necessary for the realization of the event;
  • the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vercelli, which is the main sponsor and provides organizational support.


For this 2019 edition, the Management Board is composed of the Rector of the University, the President of the Società del Quartetto and two delegates chosen by the parties.


The Viotti Competition is founder and member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions and is an event under the high patronage of the European Parliament.

event under the high patronage of the European Parliament